Hit The Road

Hit The Road

Kit Hit the Road! 4 (Student’s Book + Student’s CD 4A y 4B)

Is an engaging six-level secondary program aimed at achieving a B1 level as defined by the Common

European Framework. The program features:

•a wide variety of activities using a combinaron of learning strategies (memory, cognitive, compensation, metacognitive, affective, social), which motivate students to play an active role in their learning process and foster autonomy;

•ongoing (self) and summative assessment;

•integration of subject area content material (soft CLIL) to reinforce/develop academic language acquisition and related skills;

•special lessons focused on improving pronunciation and speaking skills;

•challenging projects that consolidate both language and content knowledge while raising awareness on 21st century skills.
Resultado de imagen de hit the road 4
-use travel-related vocabulry in short
-write text  describing
-pronounce contracted forms correctly
-write short

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